Cozumel Gem

Cozumel Gem

While traveling along the Carribean Sea side of the island,  it was quickly discovered that we had happened upon something amazing.

A new baby into the world!

It has always been a dream of mine to watch baby turtles hatch, and inch their way across the sand to finally reach water; this was it!!! Baby turtles were heading for the ocean right now!

Asking a couple of people near the edge of the road if we could join, (as this group had paid to have this experience), we were welcomed into the event. Quickly I started to make my way to where the rest of the people were gathered. Looking down at the sand, something caught my attention.

A baby that was far behind the others, and was only beginning its march across the sand!! Immediately I stopped, began filming, and creating a protected space around the newly hatched turtle. I wanted to make sure this little one could make it to the sea. I was approached by one of the tour guides.  He wanted me to pick up the little guy and place him where the sand had been groomed, making it easier for the babies.

Heading toward a new home under the ocean.

Once the baby was placed in a more secure location, I filmed the rest of his journey into the ocean. When he made it into the waters, I wished him luck and was thrilled that one of my childhood dreams had come true by chance.