Palazzo Tamborino

Palazzo Tamborino

One of the ways people would travel around.

This home today provides a wonderful insight into the lives of those who lived during the 16th century. are available to view the inside of this beautiful home with its private garden, horse-drawn carriages, and masterful paintings.

From the street, all you see is a wall with a small driveway type entrance with a closed door.  Once you enter the walls of the complex you find beautiful private world–a lovely home and private courtyard with gardens. Within the rooms of the home, you will see original furnishings, the clothing people wore in past ages, as well as vast array of books that had been collected by the family. Viewing the medical practices and medicines from those times will make you thankful that those days are in the past.

Tours of this amazing old home help the family to preserve and care for this historic building.  Those who take care of the home and lead your tour will tell you about the history of the family, as well as why some of the paintings were created.

In order to tour this home, or hold an event here, contact them through their website. It can be found HERE.

A beautiful garden.