Medici Chapel

Medici Chapel

Once the Medici family had their wealth, they decided that they needed a mausoleum specifically for the family, and chapel. So much of their wealth had been placed into this structure, that their bank account had run dry more than once.

During this time frame, some of their family members had become the Pope. With this, they had the extra boost to help get their structure closer to being complete. It’s amazing to walk into this building and know that it is not 100 percent done. However, this is so beautiful, and it is mind blowing to think how much it had cost. The beautiful stonework, marble, statues, relics, and history is breathtaking.

On the side of the mausoleum, is a smaller section that contains two more members of the Medici family. With them, stands the personification of Night and Day, and Dawn and Dusk by Michelangelo himself. These polished pieces of marble, as well as the expressions,  bring true beauty to the artist’s ability.

The Chapel entry is 9 Euro. There is a small entry so be patient to get in, and it will be more spacious once inside.  Make sure, since this is more of a chapel, that appropriate clothing is worn, and your voices lowered.

Also, once inside, if construction isn’t blocking the way, enter through a side door to see some of the amazing artifacts that the family owned. It’s located inside of the first large chamber with all of the colored marble. Some of these artifacts are from the members who were Popes!