

This ancient volcano offers drastic views.

A trip to Pompei and the ancient city of Pompeii is a full day adventure. Once the ancient city has been entered, become enthralled in everyday ancient life.

This well preserved time casual will transport you to an ancient world where people richly decorated their homes, bakeries, bathhouses, cart tracks in the pathway, and more.

Imagine all the shops opening up each day to sell their goods of jewels, gold, spices, and bakers cook fresh bread each day. Festivals become a competition between neighbors to appease the gods or to show off their wealth.

These ancient streets once were quite busy.

The once thriving city contains all the necessities any large city needed. However, it all came to an end when Mt. Vesuvius threw ash, and rock in 79 AD. This city and those around the volcano became buried under 13-20 feet (4-6 m) of ash and rock. Since its re-discovery, this location and those around have struck an interest in many people.

Archeologists are continually investigating the past, visitors are excited to see this time capsule, and the lavish life ancient Romans lived astonish people who visit.

Plan on between 150 Euro to 185 Euro per person. Children may be less. Also remember to bring a fully charged battery (spare may be handy), and enough room on your memory card for the camera.