

Room of alchemy.

Want to know the most famous art gallery in the city? Welcome to the Uffizi Gallery, home to thousands of pieces of artwork within its walls. The collection is so vast that there is construction aimed at making the building larger to compensate for the collection.

Take a step in time from statues from the Greek and Roman eras to very early gold leaf paintings, to the Renaissance era. See artwork from Fr Filippo Lippi, Botticelli, Titian, and many others. The artwork that is contained here is purely astonishing. There is so much to see!

A sweet angle among the artwork.

There is a café area that provides a break from all the artwork, just before heading off to see more pieces. There is even an area where you can walk outside and see El Duomo in the distance. On a bright day, the colored marble will shine. No food or liquids are allowed while seeing the artwork.

Entry will be 11 Euro, take note that this is a very popular museum so unless you arrive early, or have prior booking plans, the line to get in will be long. Pictures are allowed but no flash, and there is a check luggage area once you are through the metal detectors.